
package syntax

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class Prettyprint extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object RuleParser

    Concrete syntax parser for the rule DSL.

    Concrete syntax parser for the rule DSL. The parsed grammar is defined as follows:

    ident = [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
    str = '"' <any character with " and \ escaped> '"'
    regex = '/' <any character with / and \ escaped> '/'
    file = ruleset*
    ruleset = 'ruleset' 'for' filename '{' rule ('or' rule)* '}'
    filename = 'agency'
              | 'stops'
              | 'routes'
              | 'trips'
              | 'stop_times'
              | 'calendar'
              | 'calendar_dates'
              | 'fare_attributes'
              | 'fare_rules'
              | 'shapes'
              | 'frequencies'
              | 'transfers'
              | 'pathways'
              | 'levels'
              | 'feed_info'
              | 'translations'
              | 'attributions'
    rule = 'rule' ident '{' 'when' matcher 'then' action '}'
    matcher = '(' matcher ')'
            | '!' factor
            | 'any'
            | variable 'exists'
            | value valueMatcher
            | matcher 'and' matcher
            | matcher 'or' matcher
    valueMatcher = '==' value
                  | 'in' '[' value* ']'
                  | 'matches' regex
    action = 'delete'
            | transformation ('then' transformation)*
            | log
    transformation = 'set' 'row' '[' str ']' 'to' value
                    | 'search' regex 'in' 'row' '[' str ']' 'and' 'replace' 'by' value
    log = 'debug' '(' expr ')'
        | 'info' '(' expr ')'
        | 'warning' '(' expr ')'
        | 'error' '(' expr ')'
    expr = ident '(' (expr (',' expr)*)? ')'
          | value
          | expr + expr
    value = str
          | variable
    variable = 'row' '[' value ']'
              | 'ctx' '[' value ']' ('[' value ']')*

    For matchers, operators have natural precendence: ! has precedence over and which as precedence over or. This means that !m1 and m2 or m3 is equivalent to ((!m1) and m2) or m3. Combinators are left associative.

  2. object literals
  3. object pretty

    Pretty prints rules in the concrete syntax.

    Pretty prints rules in the concrete syntax. Note: anonymous functions cannot be rendered as then include scala code. Instances are printed as concatenation of the arguments.
