Welcome to the fs2-gtfs documentation page. You will find here all the information about the library and its modules. Please refer to the menu on the left side.

Core Module

Maven Central

To use the core module, add the dependency to your build file. For instance for sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.mobimeo" %% "fs2-gtfs-core" % "<version>"

It is cross compiled for scala 2.13 and scala 3.

The core of this library is the Gtfs interface, that provides the generic API for wroking with GTFS files. The API is based on namespaces, grouping together the operators by responsibility. The Gtfs interface provides the following namespaces:

  • read provides streaming read access to the content of the GTFS data
  • write provides streaming write access to the content of the GTFS data
  • has provides ways of checking whether a file exists in the GTFS data
  • delete provides functions to delete a file from the GTFS data

This interface provides the basis features for working with GTFS data, independently from where and how it is stored. Concrete implementations will provide this interface and might extend it with implementation specific functions. Have a look at the documented implementation to choose the one that fits your needs.